Create text and headings


Adding Dividers

You can add dividers to break up your Web page into sections. If you want to use a simple horizontal line as a divider, you can use one of the plain dividers available in Claris Home Page (see "Tips," below). You can also create and import a graphics file to use as a divider. You can select from the divider graphics located in the Dividers folder in the Web Explosion Special Edition folder on that product's CD.

To import and place a divider on your page, follow these instructions:

  1. Open Claris Home Page, if it's not already open.
  2. Open the page on which you want to place the divider.
  3. Choose Edit Page from the Window menu.
  4. Click the left edge of the page at the position where you want the divider to appear.
  5. Follow the instructions for adding a graphics file.
  6. Choose Save from the File menu.
  7. Choose Preview Page from the Window menu to see how the divider looks.



To insert a simple line divider, do this: Click the left edge of your page at the position where you want the divider to appear. Then choose Horizontal Rule from the Insert menu.


To make the divider start at the left edge of the page, do this: Click the left edge of your page at the position where you want the divider to appear. Choose Normal from the format pop-up menu. Then insert the divider.


Keep imported dividers in the same folder with the other graphics for your Web site.


To use the same divider in several places on your page, hold down the Option key and drag the divider.


The Claris Home Page online help system includes information about using the horizontal rules included with that program and about adding other divider graphics.

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