Import media elements


Aligning Text Around a Graphic

You can control how text is aligned around the graphics on your Web page. To set the alignment of text around a graphic, follow these instructions:

  1. Open Claris Home Page, if it's not already open.
  2. Open the page you want to work with.
  3. Choose Edit Page from the Window menu.
  4. Click the graphic around which you're aligning text, then choose Show Object Editor from the Window menu.
  5. Open the Alignment pop-up menu and choose the alignment you want to use.
  6. When you're done using the Object Editor window, click its close box.
  7. Choose Save from the File menu.
  8. Choose Preview Page from the Window menu to see how the text and graphic look together.



Experiment with several choices in the Alignment pop-up menu to see which option works best.


For more information about aligning text and graphics, see the Claris Home Page online help system.

Related Tasks

BulletAdding a graphic or an animation to a page
