Can't Host Personal eMail Server from Home: ============================================= There are many things that can be preventing from hosting your own email server. It would have been cool since I did learn about outlook server 2019 at Durham College and currently have my own Ubuntu server that I can run Postfix on, but there are major issues including: 1. Many email providers have black lists for residential IP addresses. Bell IP's do not seam to be blocked but there are more issues. 2. Many domain need to go through multiple layers of verification. This is also doable for my domain ( but might be very complicated and there is another issue. 3. You will need port 25 open. But its usually blocked by most Residential ISPs, and even many Cloud/hosting providers. When I open my port on my router, it still does not work, and is likely due to Bell's internal firewall outside of my control. It might work if I wait for it to be approved (like when I first switched to Bell to enable the web server), but unlike web or gaming servers (which are usually considered safe by ISPs) eMail servers are very risky and are likely blocked. Even if I wait it will likely remained blocked, if it gets through if my domain is not verified properly or I get viruses on my server, I risk permanent ban for my domain on many email providers. Also I have to worry about high bandwidth and storage usage. Can check if DNS is passable through telnet on my server by: telnet 25 Or visit this site to check: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: Date: September/October 2024