ffpmeg & OBS don't work on NVIDIA MX450: ======================================== MX450 (My MSI2022 detacaded GPU) as well as the rest of the MX line of GPU's, do not have any sort of Hardware acceleration video encode or decode capability at the hardware level, Even if you install the NVENC API (the current, property, NVIDIA driver for Linux) and it shows the ability to decode, it is incorrect. Must use VAPPI with Intel graphics for video. FFMPEG will crash if set to encode VAPPI throgh command line, but VLC can play video with VAPPI and OBS can encode with VAPPI h264/aac at least. Source: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/obs-studio-25-0-8-ppa-ubuntu-20-04-nvidia-driver-version-450-66-failed-to-open-nvenc-codec-generic-error-in-an-external-libr.130572/ Date: January 27th 2022