PS3 Linux is not worth it:

For official firmware:
It is rare to get firmware when OtherOS was available, and downgrading below version 3.56 (this dates after otheros is removed) is not possible without hardware soldering/flashing.

For CFW:
Only select firmware's (like rebug) support this. Also only the red ribbon Linux is supported (Ubuntu either crashes on newer versions, or wipes the entire HDD on older versions leading me to reinstall everything, including setting back up CFW from official. Also software is too limited and dated for anything, cant find a modern web browser for example. Also it runs an 64bit PowerPC (like G5 MAC), that is even more limited in software library then 32bit PowerPC, like G3/G4 Wii/WiiU. With challenges finding repos that will provide packages for this arch. Software that is 32bit wont work for 64bit PowerPC so no arctic fox or other software. It turns out the PowerPC 65bit is not the same as POWER (ppc64el) that is currently still being updates with newer versions of Ubuntu and what runs modern IBM servers. This will also make getting a G5 mac also pointless. The Ubuntu installer has both 32bit & 64bit PowerPC on same iso and can boot between then at launch.

Date: November 18th 2021
