Ubuntu Advantage: ================== This allows you to get lts versions suported up to a decade after launch (rather then five years) for security updates. You can have up to 3 devices free, can cost signifacant money afterward for enterprise (more PCs). View your actavations at: https://ubuntu.com/advantage *Note: It only suports x86 (32bit + 64bit) and ARM (64bit) only. no PowerPC suport, so I cant use my Wii U Linux to have more updates unfortantly. I alleady tried as well and gives error when enabling service. # Install the latest UA client sudo apt update sudo apt install ubuntu-advantage-tools # Use the client to attach this machine to your contract using your UA token sudo ua attach # Ensure ESM-infra is enabled as well: sudo ua enable esm-infra sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade #To remove licence from device (and let it be avable again): sudo ua detach --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-16-04-lts-transitions-to-extended-security-maintenance-esm https://ubuntu.com/security/esm Date: October 30th, 2021