Install adblock system wide on sailfish os:

Install the requirements:
Sailfish OS: $ devel-su pkcon install zypper
$ devel-su zypper install p7zip-full gawk gzip
$ devel-su zypper install gnu-bash (This action will remove busybox-symlinks-bash package under your responsibility)
$ devel-su ln -s /usr/bin/gpg2 /usr/bin/gpg
Install vixie-cron from
Install & configure sudo in Sailfish to properly use of hosty:
$ devel-su pkcon install sudo
Add "defaultuser" as "sudoer" using "nano":
$ devel-su nano /etc/sudoers
Adding at the end of the file:
defaultuser ALL=(ALL) ALL

Install hosty
Just run:

$ curl -L | sh--------------

Additional steps to install hosty in Sailfish OS
During installation hosty will ask if you want to automatically run hosty from time to time to update your hosts file with the latest list of domains.

We answer the following questions:

Do you want to always run the latest version of hosty? Y

Do you want to automatically update your hosts file with latest ads list? n
Once hosty ends its installation, just run again:

$ curl -L | sh

Extend Ad Blocking to Sailfish OS Android App Support
Add this line to /var/lib/lxc/aliendalvik/extra_config (create the file if it doesn't exist):

$ sudo nano /var/lib/lxc/aliendalvik/extra_config

lxc.mount.entry = /etc/hosts system/etc/hosts none bind,create=file 0 0

Run hosty
Enable system-wide ad blocking with:

$ sudo hosty

You probably want to run it periodically to update your hosts file with latest domains list.

Automatic run configuration
Hosty can be configured to periodically update your hosts file with:

$ sudo hosty --autorun

It will ask how often you want to execute it. A hosty file in /etc/cron.daily, /etc/cron.weekly or /etc/cron.monthly will be created.

Hosty will keep your hosts file modifications if you don't write them below the indicated line, but you can also use a blacklist.

Add the domains to block editing the file /etc/hosty/blacklist (with root permissions), one domain name per line:

You can include exceptions editing the file /etc/hosty/whitelist (with root permissions), one domain name per line:

Custom sources
If you want to add additional custom sources from the internet, create a text file in:

/etc/hosty/blacklist.sources for files with domains to block


/etc/hosty/whitelist.sources for files with domains to unblock

and write in them one url per line:

Hosty will take all domains separated by some symbol, space or new line, so it supports hosts-style files and files with just domains.

ABP, uBlock Origin, Brave and AdGuard files are accepted too, but take in account that ANY not-commented domain will be used, so it's safer to use them in whitelists than in blacklists (a website that you don't want to block can end up blocked if exists in the file).

You can also run hosty using ONLY your custom sources with:

$ sudo hosty --ignore-default-sources

and you can config autorun to run that way too:

$ sudo hosty --autorun --ignore-default-sources

Keep in mind that this is an advanced function that we do not recommend using, hosty is designed and tested to be used with the default configuration and in that way we believe that it will give you the best experience.

Restore your original hosts file
If you want to disable hosty ad blocking:

$ sudo hosty --restore

Uninstalling hosty
If you don't use it anymore:
*If your want to restore your original hosts file, run that option first.
$ sudo hosty --uninstall

Source | Date: April 14th 2022
