Get Sailfish OS to read music from sd card (Currently does not work): ====================================================================== *NOTE; this is just for refrences on how some parts of Sailfish OS work, the final result of getting the music app to reconise my music folder on sd fails (It loses changes upon reboot). Sailfish wont read music from SD card by default, it is a complicaqted setup to work. Part one (set up sd card): ---------------------------- Sailfish OS cant read most partitions, like exFAT, you will need to make a ext4 partition directly from sailfish os to read/write porpalry to sd card. *You will need to have an empty sd card, and instert it into the Sony Xperia XA2. Card operations are done in "Settings > Storage" menu. Tap and hold the memory card item - this makes the pop-up menu appear with appropriate commands in it. Format the card (ext4 for 64gb+ cards, fat32 for 32gb less cards), DONT encrypt the card, and format it. You will then copy the music folder to sd card (came applies to other folders, like Pictures). You cant move folders to sd, you must copy then delete the old folder. Part two (set sd card as default directory): -------------------------------------------- Enable an ssh conection with phone, this can be done in devlper settings. Once loged into ssh, type lsblk, find the folder under drive mmcblk1p1. copy that for future use, then type: "vi .config/user-dirs.dirs" In vi (there is no nano in sailfish os), go to XDG_MUSIC_DIR="$HOME/Music" and replace $HOME with the path to your sd card. Type i to alllow inserting of text. /run/media/defaultuser/83c8c5ff-e559-4077-b1c2-c31fdca1a563 save by pressing the ESC key mutipke times to make sure you are no longer editing, then type :wq to save and close. Then now restart your phone. Sources; Date: October 5th, 2021.