CBL-Mariner Install How to (July 2021): ======================================= CBL-Mariner is Microsoft's new Linux distribution, manly used internally for Asure, and in the future for Linux subsystem for Windows 2 to support GUI. It started development in 2020 and first official release in early 2021. Microsoft does not provide an ISO at all, so the public must build it, and third-party build ISO's are currently non exsistant (July 2021). This is to make a installer, not a all ready installed disk, also this is for x86, not arm. There is no Rasbperry PI support yet. Get prerequisites: sudo apt install make tar wget curl rpm qemu-utils golang-go genisoimage python2-minimal bison gawk Clone Git: git clone https://github.com/microsoft/CBL-Mariner.git Navagate & set up: cd CBL-Mariner/toolkit git checkout 1.0-stable Build x86 iso: sudo make iso REBUILD_TOOLS=y REBUILD_PACKAGES=n CONFIG_FILE=./imageconfigs/full.json Where ISO builds to: ../out/images/full/full-1.0.20210728.1745.iso Critical Note: Only successfully boots on VirtualBox. VMware, the boot loader will fail to pass on to Linux and put it into a permanent re-boot loop. Sources: https://linuxiac.com/microsoft-cbl-mariner-linux-1/ https://github.com/microsoft/CBL-Mariner/blob/1.0/toolkit/docs/building/building.md https://github.com/microsoft/CBL-Mariner/issues/1191 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBL-Mariner Date: July 28th, 2021