Speed of USB 2.0:

USB 2 speeds normally max out at 280Mbps (35MBps) due to bus access. USB 1.0 and USB 2.0 connections are half-duplex
In comparison, USB 3 and Ethernet are full duplex and do meet expected transfer speeds better.

USB 2.0 supports 480 Mb/s signaling speed. On the Wikipedia page, it says effective throughput is up to 35 MB/s. There is a disparity because bits aren't usually transmitted between devices physically (throughput) in the same way that they are represented internally (signaling). A number of factors needs to be accounted for when transmitting data between devices, like electromagnetic interference (EMI).

*This applies to data transfer from an SSD but probably also applies to internet over USB.

Source | Original Creation date in Vivaldi: 23 November 2018 @ 13:23
