Sleep tips from YMCA:
- Its normal to fell tired more often/ want more sleep in fall/winter months over spring/summer time
- Being outside for 20-30min can help with sleep, even with night shifts (short walk at sunrise before going to sleep for night shifts)
- Being autistic can make you take longer to fall asleep, go to sleep very late like a teen
- If need electronic devices or lamps, use blue light filer of some sort.
- No action/stimulating media within 2 hours before bed
- Caffeine is bad in afternoon. Don't drink if already stressed. Usually fine in morning with little stress.
Don't go cold turkey on caffeine since you will go through detox/withdraw
- Should fall asleep within 20mins, try another calm activity if don't fall asleep within 20min
- Be careful of carbohydrate foods before bed
- Have room cool and dark
- sleep can be last from 6.5 to 9 hours
- Over 160 people where in the group at YMCA
- For nightmares, should talk with therapist or sleep doctor. Might be trauma issue if you are having nightmares often
- If you cant afford items, try getting sunlight
- Deep sleep starts at around 1 hour to 3 hours in
- Sleep should be on quality over quantity
- Its OK to have tired days occasionally but talk to a doctor if its often
- Stress can definitely affect sleep
- Eating to many carbs can affect sleep. Same with sugar
- You should not be remembering dreams, if you are remember them, it means you need to look into the meaning of them. Not remembering them means you are done with that situation/thought
- Eating a hard broiled egg before bed is great
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